Friday, September 1, 2017

Sometimes a Girl Just Needs a Change - New Cover for A CASE OF SOUR GRAPES #mystery #amreading

You know how it is. One day, you're perfectly fine with the cover for a novel, then the next day? It's not that there's anything wrong with the original cover, but you're just ready for a change. Something a tad different. And that's what we've ended up with for A CASE OF SOUR GRAPES.

The story's main character, Maxine Leverman, isn't sure what to think. She loves the fact that her legs and a pair of her favorite shoes were featured on the original cover, but kind of digs the sophisticated vibe of the new cover, because she's that kind of gal. (On Maxine's ideal cover, we'd no doubt feature her legs, a gorgeous handbag, and the tipsy glass of wine...)

What do you think of the new cover (reds) versus the original (blues)?

Sunday, July 2, 2017

#Quote of the Day: Ralph Waldo Emerson on the Sound of Actions #Authenticity

Emerson's original quote was:

Don’t say things. What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary.


Over the years, the original has become simplified to the quote you see above, which still packs a punch. I have found this to be so true lately, and try to make sure my actions align with what comes out of my mouth. How about you?

Thursday, June 1, 2017

#Quote of the Day: #MayaAngelou on #Life and #Attitude

I really need this one right now - life isn't bad, just overwhelming. The way it gets sometimes. Hope this is helpful to you, too.


If you could do with some escape from life, remember that the Cass Elliot Crime Novels are on sale for a limited time! Available at Amazon, Smashwords, and other fine ebook retailers.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Tools of #Murder in THE DEVIL OF LIGHT - What the Heck is a Hay Dolly? #amreading

All three novels are on sale for 99cents over Memorial Day - 
start your beach reading off with murder!

One of the questions I'm asked fairly regularly about my first book is, "What's a hay dolly and how would you kill somebody with it?"

Lenny Scarborough is a nasty chap and one of the first to die in THE DEVIL OF LIGHT (the bodies tend to pile up in my novels). He meets his end in the barnyard while giving antibiotic shots to his herd of Black Angus cattle, when he's impaled with the business end of a hay dolly that lifts him off the ground. The hay dolly spears end up embedded in the side of the barn, and Lenny's left dangling with his work boots reaching for solid ground.

This is the hay dolly I used to kill Lenny:

Manually operated hay dolly that killed Lenny Scarborough.
It's a simple contraption. You attach the dolly to a bumper hitch on the pickup, reverse the truck to slide the spears under the hay bale, use good old elbow grease to crank the winch and raise the bale off the ground, then tow everything out to the pasture. Once you've got the hay bale where you want it, you lower it to the ground by unwinding the winch (yes, using that elbow grease again), and drive forward to pull the spears from beneath the hay bale. Easy peasy.

They're a little blunt, but these spears do the job.

Do you see how simple it would be to spear an unsuspecting victim in your crime novel with one of these things? Yes, your killer is driving in reverse because the hay dolly is attached to the truck's rear bumper, but it's totally doable. The hardest part is angling the spears so they pierce the victim in the right spot.

For years, we've attached this hay dolly to the truck in winter to put hay out for the cows (with no injury to the cows or either of us other than sore elbows and shoulders from working the winch). It's a simple contraption that you don't see much any more. In fact, this past winter we upgraded to a hay spear that fits on our tractor and slides into the bale, making the process of putting hay out much easier (significantly less elbow grease required).

New hay spear - nice sharp points!
I kind of like the new spear, but I'm not sure how much use it'll be when it comes to killing characters. Tractors aren't quite as nimble as trucks. But who knows? The only way to find out is to try it. Watch for upcoming murders involving the new hay dolly...

Now it's your turn. What are some of the more unusual ways you've seen characters killed?

Happy husband putting hay out the easy way.

Monday, January 23, 2017

How Many #Books Do You Read At One Time? #amreading

Do you read more than one book at a time? In addition to the time I spend writing, the time I spend reading is some of the most satisfying in my day. And I have a confession: I've become a polygamist when it comes to reading. I read multiple books with abandon, and for the most part, keep the characters and plots straight in my head.

I haven't always been promiscuous when it comes to books. When I was a kid in Englewood, Ohio and had the utter joy of stocking up on books at the library on Saturday, I'd read (eat) them one at a time, back to back, almost without drawing breath. If I finished my stack of library books before Saturday rolled around again, I'd start over with the first book and continue on in linear fashion. But with the advent of e-readers and the portability of audio books, I had no problem giving up monogamous reading. At the moment, there are five books in the rotation, as follows:

On the Kindle: THE BLACK WIDOW by Daniel Silva (not the most action-oriented novel he's written, but interesting and timely)

On my Overdrive audio book app: BIG MAGIC: CREATIVE LIVING BEYOND FEAR by Elizabeth Gilbert (an excellent listen for anyone who lives or is considering living a creative life of any sort)

On my nightstand in paperback: CRIMINAL by Karin Slaughter (I'm barely into this one, but I love Karin Slaughter and expect great things)

I'm using the Bible In One Year app, and I'll probably stretch that year into two years, maybe a little more, before I can claim having read the Bible from cover to cover (try as I might, I can't get into a regular enough routine to guarantee solid progress on this one - thankfully, the app didn't force me to start over when we rolled into the new year)

Also active on the Kindle: A YEAR TO CLEAR: A DAILY GUIDE TO CREATING SPACIOUSNESS IN YOUR HOME AND HEART by Stephanie Bennett Vogt (this also will take more than a year to finish, but I think whatever time I give this book will be worthwhile)

Although I love all forms of reading, they don't all get equal attention. Given that we live on a farm and spend a good deal of time outside, my Overdrive app gets lots of use. The second most used is probably the paperback on the nightstand because I can work in a few minutes of reading before turning out the light. Last is the Kindle, but one of the things I love most about it is that it's with me as long as my phone is with me, which is most of the time.

I'm curious to know if others are of the same promiscuous bent and honestly, I'd like to know if there are other ways I can work an additional book into my reading time.

So back to the original question: how many books do you read at one time? Is there one form of reading you prefer over others?

photo credit: Lester Public Library My Problem With Books via photopin (license)
photo credit: Sweet Carolina Photography 7/365 via photopin (license)