Friday, July 7, 2023

Celebrate World #Chocolate Day July 7th!


Sweet chocolate, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...

Elizabeth Barrett Browning, paraphrased

World Chocolate Day. A whole day - a delicious 24 hours - dedicated to chocolate. What's not to love? I know, I know. There are those who absolutely hate chocolate, and I have respect for that. And more than respecting your chocolate hating ways, I actually appreciate them, because that hatred leaves more chocolate for me...

Whether your passion is nibs, powder, chips, cookies, cakes, or bon bons of any variety - to all the chocolate lovers out there, enjoy World Chocolate Day, and remember to indulge responsibly!

Saturday, July 1, 2023

#Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale is Now On! Cass Elliot #CrimeSeries is #FREE and 50% off!


Happy July, everyone! Whether you're facing sultry summer days or shivering through a long winter, the Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale is for you! The Cass Elliot Crime Series is on sale - grab the books and head for the beach or curl up next to a roaring fire. 

The first book in the series, THE DEVIL OF LIGHT, is FREE at Smashwords from July 1 through July 31!


The second and third books, AVENGERS OF BLOOD and A CASE OF SOUR GRAPES, are 50% off all month! 

Head over to Smashwords to pick up your copy of the Cass Elliot Crime Series, and browse the huge selection of books on sale during the month of July. 

Happy Summer/Winter, and happy reading!